Mechanical Insights

Boiler Rentals

Feb 2, 2021 8:30:00 AM / by Tate Engineering

Boiler Rentals Blog Image

A boiler is one of the most critical pieces of equipment at your facility. It's responsible for heating your building and protecting your essential and expensive equipment. When a boiler fails, things can rapidly get out of control. A faulty boiler doesn't just mean people will be cold inside your facilities. A faulty boiler can also put other essential equipment in danger. Unfortunately, boilers can sometimes be finicky pieces of equipment. They often fail when they're needed the most -- and that time is upon us.

Related: Is Your Boiler Ready?

So, what do you do if and when your boiler fails and a repair company can't fix it immediately? A straightforward solution is boiler rental. But, renting a boiler isn't only useful for emergencies; it can also provide you flexibility and long-term cost savings.

Helps in an Emergency

If you own your boiler, do you have a Plan B in place? Most companies would make an emergency call to a service company and hope for the best. Even if you have a maintenance contract, there's still the possibility of downtime. Depending on the issue, you may need to order parts to repair your boiler. In worst-case scenarios, you may need to purchase a new boiler. In the meantime, what do you do?

Boiler rental is a quick and effective way to keep your facilities heated while you wait for a replacement boiler. This strategy will ensure that your equipment remains functional and doesn't face the extreme temperatures that February often brings. Rental Mobile Boiler Rooms are in stock and can be immediately installed while you repair or replace your boiler. In this case, you can reduce downtime significantly. The connection time of a mobile boiler can be minimized by installing piping and electrical provisions on your plant’s exterior now.

Related: Boiler Maintenance Checklist

Provides Flexibility

Companies know how important it is to remain agile today. You can't do so, though, if you have equipment that's blocking your growth.

When you purchase large-scale equipment such as boilers, you attach yourself to the service capability that they provide. In other words, if you decide to increase the size of your warehouse, your boiler won't be able to handle the new capacity.

When you opt for boiler rental, you are given flexibility in terms of scale. If your company grows and needs more space, you can easily upgrade your boiler through your rental contract. You'll swap out the current boiler you're renting for a larger one that can handle your new needs.

Boiler rental also provides a lot of financial flexibility. Purchasing a boiler requires a significant capital investment. When you rent one, you'll only need to budget for the monthly payments. Renting a boiler provides more cost certainty and helps you save the cash you'll need to purchase a new one down the road.

Related: Facility Contingency Planning Tips

Keeps You Up to Date

With boiler rental, you'll never have to worry about costly repairs. If you're renting a boiler as a short-term solution, you can rest assured that maintenance will not be a concern. If your rented equipment does experience issues, the company that provides it to you will be at your facility in no time to repair it or replace it with another rental.

By renting a boiler, you’ll also be giving a new product a test drive. You can see how you like it, how it runs and how well it works for your facility on a test basis -- without having to make a long-term commitment. Then, when you're ready to purchase your new boiler, you can opt for the model you rented if it worked -- or choose another one if it's not up to your standards.

Save the Day By Renting a Boiler

Winter can be a challenging time when it comes to boilers. These pieces of equipment often fail during February, resulting in significant downtime and the threat of other equipment failings. By renting a boiler from Tate, you'll be reducing this downtime and continuing your operations while you weigh a long-term solution. 

Rent Boilers with Tate

Tags: Equipment

Written by Tate Engineering

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